The Economist9月5日一篇專文,名為「歐洲難民危機,梅克爾的大膽」(Europe’s migrant crisis--Merkel the bold)
內容指出,德國總理梅克爾(ANGELA MERKEL),可能是歐洲最有實力的政治人物,卻鮮少表現出大膽風格的領導取向;不論,在國內政治領域,特別是在處理歐元危機問題,更是謹慎。梅克爾開始對於歐洲湧入的難民問題,大聲疾呼歐洲國家應攜手合作,她發出的訊息指出,今天難民的苦難,將會造成遠比歐元混亂更加嚴重後果#(譯註:當時還未發生敘利亞3歲男童溺斃地中海的慘劇。男童艾倫(Aylan Kurdi)事件於9月3日,才廣泛流傳)。
她說:「如果歐洲無法應對難民問題」,「將不再是人們心目中,富有希望的歐洲」。梅克爾的看法是正確的;歐盟成立的初衷,源自於上個世紀,戰爭的摧殘,彼此指控,以及人們遭受壓迫歷史的反思;從而重整結合,成為全新歐洲。梅克爾已努力尋求妥處方案,即依照歐洲申根公約( Schengen Agreement),人們只要拿歐盟任何一個國家護照(英國是歐盟裡面,唯一的非簽署國),都可以自由遷徙或尋找工作。換言之,依照這項措施,並不會給經濟較困難的成員國,帶來太多難民麻煩;因為受到收留的難民們,一旦發現,該國經濟狀況不佳,就會朝向經濟條件較好的國家流動;而不必長期待在某個歐盟國家,以致形成這類國家的經濟負擔。
Willing to face up to these values, there are not many; this refugee problem, you can see, selfish thinking and the courage to take action collectively, fulfils this difference between the 2. For example, the United Kingdom Prime Minister of Cameroon (David Cameron), you show little to no care attitude, and has not signed the Schengen Convention on the grounds, refuse to accept more refugees. Many Eastern European countries also adopt a xenophobic attitude which does not welcome the refugees coming; only, they are citizens of the country, are benefiting from the European border-free travel. It is a spirit of selfless major issue of the European Union. At present, facing the impact of refugees in European Union countries, whose intrinsic pride of honor, left; Merkel is of great glory a few exceptions (the Economist article and noted that Merkel stand coward among the leaders in Europe, to stand out).